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The  Te Kotahitanga  screening of Ka Whawhai Tonu at our Pahake Movie Night. Held at Event Cinemas, New Plymouth on Friday 5 July, the screenings will begin between 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm is now FULL. Note: this movie is Rated M and for whānau 18 years and over. Our special kōrero by the film’s...
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Many from Manukorihi Pā and Waitara will know Teremoana Porter-Rawiri and her whānau. Whether it is supporting kaupapa at Owae Marae or helping at community events, Tere is proud of her whakapapa and the place she calls home.  “It’s been a privilege to grow up so close to my tūrangawaewae, Owae Marae and to support...
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Kei ngā toki mārama, tēnā koutou, hei kupu tātaki māku me pēnei Tū mai Taranaki e, tiketike mai rā tātou, tihei mauri ora.  Earlier this year Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa took over the project management of the upcoming redevelopment of the North Egmont Visitor Centre. We are pleased to inform you about an important milestone in the development that holds...
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Recently our Pou Whakakori Te Poihi Campbell spent the day along the Waiwhakaiho River on Te Papakura o Taranaki searching for whio / blue duck. He shares what he saw that day.   The whio population on Mounga Taranaki is flourishing with a number of these healthy native blue ducks not only taking permanent residency on the...
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Te Iho Tū, Te Iho Whenua, Te Iho Tangata Te Atiawa Secure, Te Atiawa Thriving, Te Atiawa Connected Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust has released its draft five-year strategic plan – Te Atatū – for iwi member review and feedback. Te Atatū was developed following a four-month wananga process with Te Atiawa uri in...
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E te iti, e te rahi, te katoa! Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trustee (Te Kotahitanga) 2021 election results have been announced. ElectioNZ has declared (in alphabetical order) Shelley KOPU, Liana POUTU, Damon Paul RITAI, Kim SKELTON, Howie TAMATI, Wharehoka WANO and Anaru WHITE have been elected as Trustees for Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust. Voting for Te Kotahitanga was held between 20...
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Nau mai, haere mai! Calling all Te Atiawa whānau! Join us at the 2022 Taranaki Tū Mai event. Hosted by Ngāti Ruanui on Friday 4 – Sunday 6 November in Hāwera. The event is to celebrate our Taranakitanga, whanaungatanga and whakapapa. To make sure we have your registration correct, we encourage you to register again...
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Last Sunday more than 130 former and current Manukorihi Pā Reserve Trustees, kaimahi, ringawera and whānau came together for a high-tea to celebrate the 100 anniversary of Ko Tamawāhine.  Originally opened on 18 July 1921, the wharekai of Owae Marae has provided manaaki for tens of thousands of manuhiri and whānau from around the world.  Manukorihi Pā...
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Trustee nominations are now open for Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa. They close at 5pm on Monday 9 August 2021. For further information please contact Anthony Morton, ElectioNZ Returning Officer on 0800 666 941 or
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People coming from far and wide, the use of te reo Māori, and ‘Uncle Hemi’ were some of the highlights of the second Te Kāhui Rangatahi o Te Atiawa wānanga held at Owae Marae this past weekend. The early summer weather in Taranaki hung around to provide the perfect conditions for the 80 plus participants...
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