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Ka Whawhai Tonu

The  Te Kotahitanga  screening of Ka Whawhai Tonu at our Pahake Movie Night. Held at Event Cinemas, New Plymouth on Friday 5 July, the screenings will begin between 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm is now FULL.

Note: this movie is Rated M and for whānau 18 years and over.

Our special kōrero by the film’s director Michael Jonathan (Tainui, Mātaatua, Te Arawa) at Ngāmotu House on Friday 5 July, 5.00pm is also FULL.

Our kaimahi will be in contact with all registrants shortly with more details.

In the spirit of giving back to our community, we are requesting a non-perishable koha for entry to the movies. All donations will be collected for the Waitara Food Bank, and we are specifically looking for items such as canned fruit, spaghetti, beans, fish, and corned beef.

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