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Nominations have been extended – Now Close 5 pm Monday 29th July Elections are open and whanau should have received their nomination packs in the letterbox or via email. Nominees need to be registered, and those who are nominated need to be registered also. Click here to register Click here to update your details...
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Tēra Puanga ka rewa i te pae He tohu ki te ao Ka poroporoaki te pō Ka mihi ki te tau hōu Tēnā koutou e te kāhui whetu e tipi tonu ana I te mata o te whenua! Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa are proud to host our upcoming Puanga Kaumātua Ball, to be held...
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The  Te Kotahitanga  screening of Ka Whawhai Tonu at our Pahake Movie Night. Held at Event Cinemas, New Plymouth on Friday 5 July, the screenings will begin between 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm is now FULL. Note: this movie is Rated M and for whānau 18 years and over. Our special kōrero by the film’s...
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Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa is proud to share Te Iho Tangata, our first six-monthly publication which highlights some of this year’s kaupapa. It’s important we keep our whānau informed on the work we are doing and its alignment to Te Ātatu, our five-year strategic plan. Our vision – Te Iho Tū, Te Iho Whenua,...
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I haere mai e te iti, i tatū mai e te rahi, i rarau iho mai e te katoa.  Kua tūwhera mai rā te whare o Ngāmotu hei pou wharetoka mō te iwi. On Saturday, hundreds of Te Atiawa whānau and guests celebrated the long-awaited opening of Ngāmotu House. Since mid-2022, Ngāmotu House has undergone extensive strengthening and a complete refurbishment. This six-storey 4,000m² commercial building...
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Many from Manukorihi Pā and Waitara will know Teremoana Porter-Rawiri and her whānau. Whether it is supporting kaupapa at Owae Marae or helping at community events, Tere is proud of her whakapapa and the place she calls home.  “It’s been a privilege to grow up so close to my tūrangawaewae, Owae Marae and to support...
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Kei ngā toki mārama, tēnā koutou, hei kupu tātaki māku me pēnei Tū mai Taranaki e, tiketike mai rā tātou, tihei mauri ora.  Earlier this year Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa took over the project management of the upcoming redevelopment of the North Egmont Visitor Centre. We are pleased to inform you about an important milestone in the development that holds...
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Te Kotahitanga invite uri to join us at our upcoming 2023 AGM on Saturday 2 December at 10.00am at Owae Marae, Waitara. You can join us in person or online. Register your attendance here
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Are you a registered member of Te Kotahitanga wanting grow your own maara kai? Join us and our whanaunga Pounamu Skelton (Te Atiawa, Taranaki) at an information evening sharing the kōrero of Tātai Tāngata ki te Whenua, on Tuesday 19 September 7.00pm – 7.30pm. Pounamu will talk about the programme which will have two separate...
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The planning for the North Taranaki Visitor Centre rebuild is well underway. We invite you to join an online wānanga next Wednesday, 13 September, at 6.00pm where we will share the project’s design and progress. Register for this online wānanga here:
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