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The Māori Education Trust 2018 Scholarship Programme is now open and offers scholarships to Māori secondary school and tertiary students who meet the respective scholarship’s criteria. The Scholarship Programme is made up of the following scholarships: Secondary Rose Hellaby Scholarship RJ Graham Scholarship Sister Annie Henry Scholarship (open to secondary and tertiary) VW & LM...
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Confirm Your Spot: Myrtle Rust Surveillance Training We have received a lot of interest in Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) recent Myrtle Rust training that was held at Muru Raupatu in August. Therefore MPI is offering a second round of field training on how to identify Myrtle Rust. Myrtle Rust is a fungal plant disease...
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Public notice An application by Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust on behalf of Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Iwi gives notice that it has applied to the High Court for orders recognising customary marine title and protected customary rights in the common marine and coastal area between Herekawe Stream in the south and Te Rau o...
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The Taranaki Māori Trust Board is holding two Hui ā Iwi on Saturday April 8 2017. Check the following details for more information about the hui in your area. SOUTHERN HUI Saturday 8 April 2017 9.30am (Mihi Whakatau) 11.30am (Kai) Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust Office High Street, Hawera NORTHERN HUI Saturday 8 April 2017...
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The toutouwai / North Island robin translocation project is a project aimed to bring toutouwai back to Taranaki maunga so their song may once again be heard within the Egmont National Park. Over the months of March and April 2017, DOC staff, iwi and volunteers will catch toutouwai in Pureora Forest Park in the central...
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Two Whio / North Island blue duck will be released on Taranaki maunga on 16th March 2017 as part of a project to re-establish a self-sustaining whio population. The DOC staff supported by the Central North Island Blue Duck Trust, Whio Forever, iwi and local whio ambassadors have worked tirelessly on re-establishing a self-sustaining whio...
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Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust has expressed it’s continued opposition to the New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill at the Māori Affairs Select Committee hearing held at Owae Marae on Friday. Trust chairperson Liana Poutu told the committee that the decision for the Trust to oppose the Bill wasn’t made lightly and after...
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Tēnā koe,  The 2017 Māori Education Trust (MET) scholarship round is now open; Secondary Scholarships RJ Graham Scholarship Rose Hellaby Scholarship Sister Annie Henry Scholarship (open to secondary & tertiary students) Tī Maru Māori Trust Secondary Boarding Scholarship VW & LM Rosier Scholarship Undergraduate Scholarships Frances Irwin Hunt Art Scholarship Nicholas Irwin Hunt Writing Scholarship...
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PANUI PBNST Member Update Hui January 2017 Tēnā koutou e ōku rangatira,e ngā uri katoa o Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika. We hope you all had a safe and relaxing Christmas and New Year period. Nau mai 2017!!! Last year the new board said we want to strengthen our engagement with whānau....
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This submission is presented on behalf of Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust opposing the New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill 2016. The Kotahitanga Trustees oppose this Bill as we believe that the provisions of the Bill are not in the best interests of Te Atiawa.  The rationale for opposing the Bill is set...
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