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Three Strategic Planning hui have been organised to allow Te Atiawa uri to have input into the future Strategic Direction of the Board. Venues and times and dates are set out in the table below; Workshop 1     Owae Marae, Waitara Taranaki, Thursday 10th March, 6.00pm Workshop 2    Pipitea Marae, Wellington,  Tuesday 15th March, 6.00pm Workshop...
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Tarereare / Katere Marae has been successful with a funding application to Venture Taranaki to run a four part wananga series this summer around maara kai and science. These wananga allow our maara whanau to workshop with specialist commercial and research professionals from the horticulture sector. We wish to open this opportunity up to our wider whanau and community to...
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For the latest Updates from Tuiora click here   URL  
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Nominations are now open for Ngati Rahiri Hapu o Te Atiawa representative to Manukorihi Pa Reserve Trust to represent the Hapu interests. For more information please click here Notice of Annual General Meeting for Ngati Rahiri Hapu Notice is also given for the Annual General Meeting of Ngati Rahiri Hapu o Te Atiawa (Taranaki Incorprated...
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The Annual General Meeting of the Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust is to be held at 10am on Sunday 27 September 2015 at the Muru Raupatu, Te Arei Road West, Bell Block. All Te Atiawa uri are invited to attend. Agenda: Mihi Whakatau and Karakia Apologies Inaugural Report for 2014-2015 Financial Statements Approval of...
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Kei uta, kei tai, kei ngā ngarahu tapu o to tātou maunga Taranaki kua marere atu ki tēnā pito ki tēnā pito o te ao tēnā katoa mai ra koutou… Tēnei ka tūngou iho ki te kāhui tiu kua topatopa atu ra ki te ao huna. Kei ngā Mātārae, kei ngā pou kōrero, kei ngā...
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We will be uploading a link directly to the E-voting site once the nominations have closed, so check back again for updated information. Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust (‘Te Kotahitanga’) was established for the purpose of receiving Treaty settlement assets and holding, managing and administering the Trust Fund for the benefit of existing and...
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