Te Atiawa is resourceful and secure, Te Atiawa thrives with the environment, Te Atiawa is strong and connected.
Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust is proud to share its five-year strategic plan – Te Atatū.
This strategy document was developed from a four-month wānanga process (May – August 2021) with Te Atiawa uri in Taranaki, Te Whanganui a Tara, Waikawa, Tamaki Makaurau and an online survey.
The draft was circulated for member review in October 2021. It was then revised following this review in October 2021. We thank all of our whānau who gave their time to share their thoughts about our future.
Te Atatū sets out the key strategic outcomes Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa has chosen as the focus areas for development over the coming five years under our revised strategic vision of Te Iho Tū, Te Iho Whenua, Te Iho Tangata.