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He Pūnanga Kaupapa

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In 2020 Te Atiawa Marae were successful in receiving Provincial Growth Funding to complete renovations. Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa, Marae, Te Puni Kōkiri and Clelands Construction collaborated to complete detailed applications in a short timeframe, leading to this successful outcome for all Te Atiawa marae.   A major part of this funding is to create jobs and support local tradespeople and businesses. Clelands Construction is completing the majority of the renovations alongside local tradespeople. Within the Clelands team, there are a number of Te Atiawa uri who are thRilled to...
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Riri me te Raukura commenced on the evening of Tuesday 16th March at the Waitara War Memorial Hall with a pōwhiri followed by kai.  This was attended by no less than 150 including caterers and staff. Following dinner was a series of three speakers. Ruakere Hond spoke about the importance of hauora, healing, maungārongo and mahi māra. ...
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Integral to our collective wellbeing Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust (Te Kotahitanga) continues to actively develop, influence and provide opportunities to grow leadership capacity and capability. On Friday 12th March, in partnership with Mentoring Foundation New Zealand, Te Kotahitanga launched its Mentoring Programme called Rauhī Te Atiawa. Eleven pairs made up of respected leaders...
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Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa and Parininihi ki Waitotara Trust are excited to offer the joint Te Atiawa Iwi/PKW Undergraduate Scholarship.  The scholarship is designed to support Te Atiawa uri who are studying in the field of Environmental Planning and/or Resource Management.  There is one scholarship available this year to the value of $2,500.  The scholarship is designed to recognise outstanding up-and-coming talent and to encourage uri to keep pursuing their goals....
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Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa have welcomed Dion Tuuta to the role of Pouwhakahaere/Chief Executive and Kasey Bellamy to the role of Pou Taiao/Environmental Advisor.  “We are thrilled that Dion has returned home to Taranaki to join Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa.  He brings with him an extraordinary mix of skills as well as strong relationships within Taranaki and across the country.  His experience will be invaluable as we head into the next phase of development for Te Atiawa” says Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Chairperson Liana Poutu.   Dion joins the Trust on the cusp...
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E te iwi Last Te Hauwhenua īPānui for the year with information on:Upcoming KaupapaHui-ā-TauWhānau Day
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