Taranaki Māori Trust Board Hui ā-Tau Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Taranaki Māori Trust Board will be held on Saturday 25 November 2017 9.30am Whakaahurangi Marae Celia Street, Stratford AGENDA Karakia Apologies Minutes of 2016 AGM Chairperson’s Report Financial Report General Business The AGM will be followed by a...Read More
The Māori Education Trust 2018 Scholarship Programme is now open and offers scholarships to Māori secondary school and tertiary students who meet the respective scholarship’s criteria. The Scholarship Programme is made up of the following scholarships: Secondary Rose Hellaby Scholarship RJ Graham Scholarship Sister Annie Henry Scholarship (open to secondary and tertiary) VW & LM...Read More
Confirm Your Spot: Myrtle Rust Surveillance Training We have received a lot of interest in Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) recent Myrtle Rust training that was held at Muru Raupatu in August. Therefore MPI is offering a second round of field training on how to identify Myrtle Rust. Myrtle Rust is a fungal plant disease...Read More
Public notice An application by Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust on behalf of Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Iwi gives notice that it has applied to the High Court for orders recognising customary marine title and protected customary rights in the common marine and coastal area between Herekawe Stream in the south and Te Rau o...Read More
The first Taranaki Maunga negotiations update and workshop for Te Atiawa was held at Muru Raupatu marae on Friday 7 April. The wānanga was facilitated by Hemi Sundgren, Liana Poutū and Jamie Tuuta who are also a part of the negotiation team. There were two fundamental components of the negotiations presented at the hui –...Read More
The Taranaki Māori Trust Board is holding two Hui ā Iwi on Saturday April 8 2017. Check the following details for more information about the hui in your area. SOUTHERN HUI Saturday 8 April 2017 9.30am (Mihi Whakatau) 11.30am (Kai) Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust Office High Street, Hawera NORTHERN HUI Saturday 8 April 2017...Read More