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Te Parawai o Rongo / Hine Takurua / Te Atiawa Kākahu 2024

Embrace the Taonga of Te Parawai o Rongo kākahu collection

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our exclusive Te Atiawa Kākahu collection, specifically created to enhance identity and connection amongst Te Atiawa uri.

This collection, known as Te Parawai o Rongo celebrates our whānau, shared whakapapa, and the timeless beauty of our traditions. It symbolises the deep connection between our people and our ancestral beginnings that nurtures and sustains us.

Through this range of kākahu, we celebrate Te Atiawatanga, embracing our identity and the unique aspects of our culture.


Te Atiawa Kākahu collectionTe Parawai o Rongo:
The Essence of Connection and Embrace

Te Parawai o Rongo is not just a collection of clothing; it is an embodiment of our identity, our stories, and our whakapapa. The name Te Parawai o Rongo reflects the essence of balance and dual connection of the celestial and terrestrial elements which we honour and cherish. It represents an embrace of all Te Atiawa descendants, wrapping us in the warmth and protection of our ancestral legacy.

The union of Tamarau (celestial being) and Rongoueroa (terrestrial being) cemented the source of life, giving us our inherited strength and mana. Furthermore, Te Parawai o Rongo acknowledges the sacred whare tangata, the womb that is a taonga (treasure) for our women. It is a tribute to the mana o te wāhine, celebrating the power and dignity of women. Through this collection, we honour the nurturing and caring roles that wāhine embody, just as our kākahu do for us.

Te Parawai o Rongo collection is designed to nurture, nourish, and care for those who wear it. Wearing Te Parawai o Rongo is more than a fashion statement; it is a way to connect with our Te Atiawatanga and the rich kōrero of our iwi.

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Introducing Hine Takurua: A Limited-Time Winter CollectionIntroducing Hine Takurua:
A Limited-Time Winter Collection

Hine Takurua is inspired by the star Sirius, which heralds the arrival of Takurua (winter). As part of this special launch, we are proud to introduce Hine Takurua to our Te Parawai o Rongo Kākahu collection, with a unique design and korero, available for a limited time only.

Each piece in this collection embraces the beauty of Te Whare o Ngāmotu (Ngāmotu House) with the mauri of Hine Takurua, connecting us our earth bound mother, and the introduction of ‘…..Taku kuia e! taku kuia e!’.

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