TARANAKI TŪ MAI 29 Nov – 1 Dec 2019
Have you registered yet?
Tū Mai Taranaki is 1 1/2 months away and we are getting geared up for another fun-filled weekend hosted this year by our Ngāti Maru whānau.
Te Atiawa Iwi whānau can register via our website (link below) Adults $5 and Tamariki (12 years & under) free but still need to register.
Thank you to those who have already registered and indicated what sport and/or activities you want to do. We would like to thank our sports coordinators for their support in making this kaupapa happen.
Golf: Anaru White
Basketball: Aaron Bailey-Nowell
Cross Country: tbc
Darts: Kane Wano
Kapahaka: Matapaepae Urwin
Kapahaka NC: Matapaepae Urwin
Ki-o-Rahi: tbc
Netball: Pia Bailey-Nowell
Outdoor Bowls: tbc
Rugby League 9s: Wayne Capper
Rugby 7s Tane: Abe Haira
Rugby 7s Wāhine: Tina Moeahu
Softball: Allana Prestney
Touch: Kelly Moeahu
Marching: Genna Capper
Kaumatua Tū Mai & Kaumatua Olympics (50+ years of age): tbc
The following activities are also available and kaimahi will be there to support with the organisation:
Gumboot Throw (Friday)
Sack race (5-10 years of age)
Taiohi Tū Mai (11-18 years of age)
Tamariki Tū Mai (0-10 years of age)
Tautohetohe (Sunday) * Tug-o-War (Friday)
We don’t require Coordinators for the following (Mahi tahi tātou):
March Pass
Tees, (same design as 2017) will be available soon.
Any further details please contact the Iwi office tari@teatiawa.iwi.nz or 06 758 4685