On Monday 28 February 2022 Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa delivered its second of four online Taranaki Mounga wānanga. This was a way for our Te Atiawa uri to learn more about their connection to our tupuna mounga, Koro Taranaki.
This wānanga was delivered by our Chair Liana Poutu, Damon Ritai, Jamie Tuuta, Hemi Sundgren and Te Poihi Campbell, covering topics including:
– our hapū make up
– what our rohe looked like historically and how it looks today, as well as
– providing answers to some of the pātai asked in our first wānanga.
Below is the recording of our second wānanga.
Mounga Wānanga – Episode 2 (Recording).
If you would like to look deeper into the topics discussed, here are a few places you can find more information to fill your kete with:
How did you find this wānanga? Do you have any feedback you’d like to share with us? If so, please email comms@teatiawa.iwi.nz.