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Mounga Wananga Episode Five

Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa held its fifth online Taranaki Mounga wānanga on Monday 21 March 2022.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our Te Atiawa uri to learn more about their connection to our tupuna mounga, Koro Taranaki. 

This wānanga was delivered by our Chair Liana Poutu, Jamie Tuuta, Hemi Sundgren and Te Poihi Campbell, covering topics including:

– a short recap on our last four wānanga, and

– our panel provide an update on the current Taranaki Maunga negotiations.

Below is the recording of our fifth wānanga.

Mounga Wānanga – Episode 5 (Recording).

Missed any of our Taranaki Mounga online wānanga?

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