Te Pūtake o te Riri, He Rā Maumahara is a series of events being held across Aotearoa New Zealand which seek to increase awareness among all Aotearoa New Zealand citizens.
In 2019 the events took place in Taranaki from 28-30 October. Dr Ruakere Hond who was a key member of the working party coordinating the event in Taranaki says that Te Pūtake o te Riri gives the community the opportunity to participate in an event that focuses on our nation’s local history – a history that not many New Zealanders know about.
The war in Taranaki started on 17 March in 1860 and lasted for about 21 years. There were battles and conflicts taking place across the entire region during that time – at Te Kōhia near Waitara, Puketakauere, Mahoetahi, Waireka, and also Turuturu-mōkai, Te Ngutu o te Manu and Tauranga-Ika in south Taranaki just to name a few.
As part of Te Pūtake o te Riri, He Rā Maumahara an education programme was created for Taranaki primary and secondary schools and ran alongside the main event programme. The following resources were created for Te Pūtake o te Riri.
Google Map Tour
Explore significant sites on Google, click on each site to find further resources such as videos retelling the history.
Google Earth Tour
Google Earth provides an opportunity to get up close to significant sites from your device. Follow these steps to access:
1. Download this KML file by clicking the 3 dots on the top right,
2. Download Google Earth to your desktop.
3. Click on the File menu, and select Open, browse to the KML or KMZ file which you want to upload on Google Earth.
A trailer for this Google Earth Tour can be viewed below.
Te Pūtake o te Riri Rauemi
A selection of rauemi to support teaching and learning programmes and for anyone wanting to find out more about the Taranaki Wars.