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Te Atiawa Puanga Kaumātua Ball

Nau mai e te iti nau mai e te rahi ki tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira e kōtuitui ai ngā whetu o te rangi, ki ngā whetu e tipi tonu ana I te mata o te whenua

He kaupapa tēnei kia poroporoaki te tau kua hipa atu, kia rāhiritia te tau hōu kei te heke mai

Ko te manako nui ka taea e koutou e ngā manu piwaiwaka o ngā rā o mua, te whai aua parirau anō rā, mō tēnei pō whakangahau whakahirahira


2024 Te Ātiawa Puanga Kaumātua Ball

We are proud to host kaumatua at our upcoming Te Atiawa Puanga Te Ātiawa Kaumatua Ball on Saturday 13 July 2024, 5.00pm at the Waitara War Memorial Hall. Due to limited numbers it is important that Te Atiawa kaumatua and partners register to attend this event. We look forward to seeing you. We will be in contact with you once we have received your registration, with transport times and other important information.

  • Dinner options

    This year we have a set menu. Please select from the following dinner options.
    All soup will be served with bread rolls.
    All mains will be served with roasted, seasonal vegetables and gravy.

If you have any queries please email