In January 2014 the Te Atiawa (Taranaki) iwi fisheries Mandated Iwi Organisation (MIO), Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Settlement Trust implemented the Pātaka Whāta system – commonly referred to as the ‘Pātaka’ – a facility for iwi to store primarily fish provided from a commercial operation for customary use for the benefit of its members. With the passing of the Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Iwi Settlement Act, in December 2016, Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust (the Trust) became the Te Atiawa (Taranaki) MIO and is pleased to continue to support the Pātaka policy for the benefit of its members.
The primary purpose of the Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Pātaka Whata is to provide fish to Te Atiawa (Taranaki) iwi, marae, hapū, and whānau for important customary non-commercial purposes.
Please note: The Pātaka is for charitable purposes only. Support will not be provided to ‘for profit’ events i.e. events or contributions to an event that will generate a private profit for an individual, business, or other entity. Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Pātaka Whata is for use within the rohe of Te Atiawa (Taranaki).
Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Pātaka Whata kaitiaki should be contacted immediately for tangihanga. All requests, with the exception of tangihanga must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the planned event.
Those requesting pātaka must provide Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Pātaka Whata Kaitiaki with the information set below:
From time to time it may be necessary to constrain the amount of pātaka distributed through the Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Pātaka Whata. Should this take effect the Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Pātaka Whata Kaitiaki will endeavour that this is communicated clearly and in a timely manner to members.
Under no circumstances is any pātaka that has been accessed via the Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Pātaka Whata to be bartered, traded, or sold.
Can I gather fish/kaimoana myself?
Yes, this can be done by being issued a customary fishing permit. Permits are issued by your appointed hapū kaitiaki. If you wish to apply for a customary permit or require more information about customary fishing permits please contact your hapū office/hapū kaitiaki.